Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Homemade Hair Straightening Spray


The Happy Birthday one year of life. Yes, sir. A year now, but look you, if it seems like yesterday, how children grow, any time you drop with a boyfriend, and so forth. Believe it or not ... my blog, and I as a blogger, one year old. Virtual birthday but ultimately birthday should be celebrated.

"Party or trip? questions the quinceañera undecided. "Celebration or party? I wonder, more prone to philosophical disquisition on the practical thing. Do we eat or not eat? ask my kids and my husband, plate and fork in hand.

But bit, stop the world for a while, that the occasion calls for debate on this and other seemingly minor issues. And I tell you why: because between celebration and the party is a relationship equivalent to the bottom to form. Did not I tell? Pure philosophy.

The conclusion refers to a predisposition "Soulmate," as Macedonio Fernández and the party becomes the expression of that spirit. Everything will be fine as long as both are balanced and if not, well, you know, start some of the eternal conflicts that occur when form and content is disharmony.

Life is a party

In these times is popular local party and almost everyone wants to throw the house through the window until I hereby confirm on the occasion of the baby's little fish. The healthy and laudable desire to entertain loved ones treated to the best of the crop itself has been replaced by an obsession for the bacchanal, even among the simple minds. And as long as you do not miss fall into the excesses of eating until you drop, drink to unconsciousness and spend every last penny.
In some years now all birthdays are like quinces, fiestas fifteen marriages and marriages seem to emulate the Academy Awards red carpet, live and even numbers master of ceremonies.
True to
its purpose, the marketing of fiestononón installed a boundless variety of products and rituals to betray the celebratory spirit, from the confetti to the ceremony of the fifteen candles, passing through the outdoor videos, balloons inflated with helium, glitter, cake with ribbons (in recent decades moved by something even worse: the goblets with ribbons), the revival of the crinoline, photos with effects and the insufferable "Meneaíto."

We Dance?

As noodles without cheese, but love without kisses, and sunless morning ... so are the holidays without dance. Because dancing is one of the most beautiful ways to express love and joy.

And although it does not take Julio Bocca to enjoy a night of rhythm, there are those who move their bodies with a certain respect for the laws of dynamics and the others beings who may lack some connection between the ear and the muscles.

My husband, for example, belongs to the lineage of the terrible player. There is no way to do break the waist. Embedded festive atmosphere (and some other things) can get to play with bold moves like joining a train, wrapped around his arm to turn me, or be a fierce support of a tunnel that will pass, hilarious, and his godfather's birthday . At the top of the party may even propose that we go together to learn to dance tango. But invariably, I forget the next day.
The sad thing is that over the years I have been adapting their movements and gradually I see that mine are getting poorer. Would not be a dancing Thalia but defended himself, and now ...
On the sidewalk opposite are the bulky, those who love being the center of the round and do not hesitate to join the dance of the newlyweds for a waltz original trio. His moment of glory is usually given to the rhythm of disco music in the seventies (shirtless to be John Travolta), the lambada and chords of "What will the pony?".
at a party Just the other day I thought, what good would be president of Sadaic and lose slyly and unable to return the file discs with reggaeton published in the country and, just in case, in America. Or better yet, becoming president of the nation to sign the most delicious of decrees prohibiting the circulation, dissemination and propagation of any material known or label, written, edited and / or played by Ricardo Arjona and of course, to enter the country.
Finally, costs nothing to dream.

would continue until they are exhausted with this reflection as partying, but with pain in my heart, I leave here; is that I have an urgent appointment with the party planner .
Thank you all for joining me in this first year, I invite you to join the survey. Raise your glasses, chin chin and continue dancing.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does Diane 35 Cause Breast

Up the Sun, life here, a song
and a little satisfaction
Miguel Mateos

The Sun is there, but not see it. A silent star of more than five billion years, as a great cosmic computer gives its magnetism and controls the orbits of nine planets and thousands of celestial bodies.
The Sun is involved in the glaciers, regulates the Earth's atmospheric pressure, which in turn determines the weather and even earthquakes. Is a nuclear fusion in which hydrogen is converted into helium. Its temperature is higher than that of an atomic bomb: about 6000 degrees at the surface and 15 million in the nucleus.
And all that would be impossible to live without him.

will see the light

Just over a month ago my husband heard on the radio the invitation to a talk on the healing powers of the sun, was done in the halls of a major library Mar del Plata. What reasons prompted him to stop by the library and book two tickets is a mystery yet to elucidate them. But off we went.
The room was full. In front, the speaker, a man in his seventies and his translator. I learned to see that the man was Indian, tanned skin, intelligent eyes, serene smile and a very British English not that I fell sympathetic input.
I must confess that at first I had my qualms and fears of having fallen into a den in the new age that would like to offer us a way to escape the carnage announced by the Maya to 2012 (all for sale in convenient vials, payable with Visa .)

However, the discourse of Hira Ratan Manek (actually born in Bodhavad, India, in 1937) exudes common sense and simplicity proposal is overwhelming: the cure to the ills of postmodern man, he says, goes through put your eyes on high. Literally and figuratively speaking.

Sun gazing, Hira Ratan Manek that practice, recommends, and disseminates can be explained in very few lines, is to look at the sun in a certain time (up to one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset), the first day ten seconds, twenty seconds to the next, thirty-third and so on. It is a practice that has to be carried throughout life. Only performed for a maximum period of 270 days (up to a limit of 45 minutes), consecutive or not.

Just as the sun-eating plants and minerals from the process of photosynthesis, Manek says that through Sun Gazing men we can load the most powerful energies of nature getting "perfect health for mind, body and spirit."

potential benefits are not negligible, "is experiencing an increase in memory and intelligence. The aging process is slowed, decreased appetite and fatigue, it speeds up the metabolism and the body is predisposed to meditation and prayer. "
"After the first three months, people will notice changes in their mental health at six months showed physical improvements" Manek says and adds, "at that point all the cells the body begins to store energy from the sun are converted into solar cells, are like a solar panel. " Finally, after nine months, would also spiritual health.

Over Hira Ratan Manek's talk highlighted three aspects, in my view, essential: first the Sun Gazing is not a religious rite but a therapy suitable for people of all faiths and, even to unbelievers. Second, he presents himself as a guru who to follow, but simply as one who spread the art. And thirdly: the practice of sun gazing is absolutely free and requires no books pyramids, incense, CDs or essential oils.

Exit the Sun

For centuries mankind has professed his admiration for the sun king, generous source of light and heat, two key elements life of all ages.
There were many cultures saw the sun the ultimate expression of the deity: Egyptians, Mayans, Incas. The Greeks worshiped through the figure of Apollo. The sun salutation yoga practiced in India is an ancient custom which originally was performed at dawn, ie the same schedule of "safe sun" proposed for Manek Sun Gazing . And Jesus himself defined himself by saying "I am the Light of the world."
Already in the twentieth century and for decades, doctors sunbathing prescribed as a therapy for many diseases. You have been in recent years from the hole in the ozone layer and the threat of skin cancer, which we have become very apprehensive about the Sun, however, few scientists suspect they might have to revise some questions about the beneficial effects of sunlight and the danger of abusive detention . (1)
Hira Ratan Manek takes time spreading technique and thousands of people around the world and practicing Sun Gazing and say they have improved their quality of life. Many of them ignore their warnings and beyond: living the Sun Gazing as a cult and worship the Hindu as a religious leader. But this is an issue, I suspect, has to do with spiritual orphan syndrome, so common today.

Without exaggerating, I think it may be valid to take some aspects of this proposal. It is not seen in the sun to be worthy of worship but perhaps re-look at what it really is: a fundamental part of a wonderful creation that God has placed at our disposal that we serve it. In this sense I think it's worth the effort to harmonize with nature as a way of cultivating life.

And with the summer knocking on the door, why not try? At least in honor of what the grandmothers said: "Where comes the sun, not the doctor will come."

For more information on the technique of Sun Gazing

(1) The most cited HMR is English Richard Hobday, engineering doctor who lectures on the subject at universities and scientific forums in Europe in which warns about posibiliddes to benefit from sunlight. Hobday is the author of The Healing Sun (sun curing: sunlight and health in the XXI century).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Do I Use A Visa Gift Card To Order Pizza

I apologize and repent

From this I apologize Happy Republic and I want to show signs of repentance of the article published this blog on Tuesday, March 21, 2009 in reference to Caja Castilla la Mancha and the airport of Ciudad Real.
I've noticed that an article was incorrect and no contrast, I came in the form of mail and I could not distinguish it from falsehood.
To rectify this misinformation, way to delete this post offensive of this blog.
I apologize again for the irresponsibility of not knowing the impact it could have.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wedding Invitation Model In Tamil



Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Places That Sell Condoms In Restrooms

I know that we are in a period very suitable time for many.
The Protection of Animals is no exception.
We are going through some very critical moments, even with the possibility of closing the shelter we have in the Mojonera this month.
now we are buying feed with voluntary personal money because we can not ask the regular suppliers and we think some bills, but also drugs and other things. But in this situation, the more urgent it is to feed. We spend every day
3 bags of 20 kilos of hard feed puppy and adult dog 5 sacks. Now we make no distinction in class I, but the logical and eat healthy is always the same type. Therefore, calling aid at least to continue eating until you see what happens to the Animal Shelter.
If you know people who have many animals and can donate a bag, or you know people think and what band has expired, or anything else, I would appreciate it take to Regufio pudieseis or call 677 415 102 686 191 091 or (My name is Miguel).
also give them pieces of bread usually hard to play, although they eat, and that makes less I ask. We also worth bread bags (for if you know friends who have restaurants or take them on bread baking.) Thank
. Gradually
I will inform in this thread. For now, saying that the October 24 afternoon (the time is TBC), Social Center Antonio Machado de Puebla de Vicar going to have a meeting with partners and anyone who wants to go to tell the work we have done for 13 years, our current critical situation and the possibility or impossibility of continuing with Animal Refuge and a short discussion among all possible solutions. I'm not person who usually ask for favors. But those who know me and know what I feel for animals, yes, I ask you to do a little effort and choose us. Thanks again.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dragon Ball Af Episodes For Sale


For once father could play the clown, and no one will say anything.
Back to School at the party and farewell party for the seño Candy, who has taught our little boy for 3 years to: read, write, add, behave ... Thanks Candy.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where To Buy Party Favors Calgary


Everything leads us to think that motherhood is a serious matter. I myself would be able to fix it if it was not because at times it seems that motherhood is me laughing in the face. To say that mocks, I may sound very shocking.
not want you to misunderstand me. Of all the wonderful gifts with which God has given me in life, my children are the most wonderful.
Being a mother is a blessing and raising my children, a source of fulfillment and personal achievement.
Only sometimes, so wonderful, experience and life overwhelms cotiadiana becomes ... how can I say? Surreal.
And I do not say I did not pass because they do not think so.

The I am, that you (not) left.

Behind the sweet faces of my chichipíos me sometimes seem to see that person once, back in the teens, I thought I could become: a professional gloss that looks good, but not too arregladísima is not a question of fall into the trap of over-look. A girl informed, critical, politically engaged, Catholic activist, tireless reader, abreast of latest developments, always willing to be part of the social causes of day and evening cultural event ...

must be said: I used small quite fanciful. And a bit delusional. Today

my days are organized around two pairs of green eyes (definitely some green, others gray tinged with a touch of honey) I look forward to waiting always waiting for more and since its low height of Pygmies force me to spend much of my bent time .
column, thanks.

So I do that in my time as a student looking to shock my choosing journalism professor as a research topic to build a public toilet in the Plaza San Martín (and other equally absurd to the edge of eschatological) today cry to Providence I'm free of all matters relating to pee, poop, snot and other delicacies that make up my daily bread. Is that it's costing us leave horrors los pañales!

Pero esa no es la única contradicción a la que me empujó la maternidad. Mi espíritu ambientalista, acérrimo defensor de la causa ecológica se doblega ante la presencia de piojos, especie a la que sólo puedo desearle la extinción pronta, absoluta y, en lo posible, sangrienta. Lo más terrible es que no me quedo en la intención: llevo años adquiriendo todo champú, loción o brebaje que me prometa la exterminación definitiva de piojos y liendres (y ni siquiera me detiene el hecho de que las liendres… ¡son bebés!)

La maternidad modificó sin piedad mis consumos culturales: de Kieslovsky a Pixar, el viaje leg did not stop. I am not a tireless reader to become a reader tired of reading over and over again the same story (remember, not without fear, one about a duck that wanted to be a dancer). The survivor who led me to investigate in the world of children's literature. So at least I learned to filter out peorcito and slowly I select books that give me lazy read. I must say that over time I found very funny stories and some authors it was worth reading, but then while I was about eight years.

Immersed in my own busy life mother of young children, I also blurred my ability to participate in public affairs. While I juggle schedules to meet the entry and exit of the school, acts, deliveries of newsletters, parent meetings in the garden, birthdays ... only if I look at zoon politikon of Aristotle.

The imminence of the election not only increases my anxiety in this regard and not just the absence of credible candidates. These days a host of pamphlets on how much there is partisan group populates my path and my mailbox. Impregnable face, ladies candidates a few years older than me pose for a photo, well dressed and makeup wisely (some even with signs of recent refreshed). I see so, so serene and smiling and I can not help wondering: do you have kids?, If so, how do? And above all, how are you going to do if elected?

While trying to elucidate these issues by reflecting on the less explored corners of the female quota, back to mine, neatly accommodating ballots never brought them into the ballot box and stacked to make a beautiful notebook draft, ideal to draw my babies.

Thank God, at home, there's a party for a while.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Labia Bigger During Pregnancy

going for them. OS

so short months we have experienced. We hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How Do I Get Rid Of An Open Cut On Lip?


Monday, April 6, 2009

Pokemon Hack Roms Ipod Touch


a simple cross

me a simple cross, carpenter

without addition or ornaments,
to see the logs bare, naked

and decidedly straight:
arms to hug the earth,
the shooting arm to the heavens.
That not a single ornament to distract this gesture
the human balance of the two commands ...
simple, simple ...
me a simple cross, carpenter.

León Felipe Caminos

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Is A Satanic Mantra Yahoo


Sometimes my neighbor John, the facade now you know that you have visited this page, surprises us with their creativity and shows us a poster you put in your shop.

will not know if that bitch do with the crisis or mood, but once you're right John, very good your lineup.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sample Thank Email After Interview


The figure of the traveler is often associated with which
search, which explores, which runs. Wayfarer made by walking as Machado says and sings
Serrat. Associate walk forward, and somehow
to grow, develop, move ... Walk as the option to exit the
quiet and cheat death.
But in its most pedestrian sense - let me
the pun - walking is no more or less to move. Originally
walking was the only way that primitive man had to
access to food, escape danger, close to watercourses. In
our sedentary twenty-first century most people do all this in
car, plane, bus, motorcycle or by calling a delivery.
Walking, however, has risen to the level of sport.


Sports democratic if any, suitable for all ages and physical textures, walking requires no special skills and anyone can access the status of walking without spending a only weight or fill out any form of admission.
course, marketing through, the fitness industry were quick to develop a host of "accessories" that apparently make one into a walking sport truth. They are generally beautiful and useful things that bring comfort to the practice of this activity as weighted by their benefits to the body and mind. The problem arises with accessories when combined in abundance, can touch the edge of the grotesque. You know what I mean: super-soled shoes with air chamber, more fillings, more socks, dry fit more remerita more bag "waist" of one brand, more headband, plus hat and / or face shield, all together, more the water bottle in his hand. Walk light, reads the slogan. Beyond
my reviews the uniform, the fact is that the sport is a group walking on the rise. The good news, which tells us that in our cities more and more people choose to stay healthy and get back in touch with nature. Because, of course, sports travelers do not travel through the city just like that, without rhyme or reason. Circuits are well defined, often near areas of the city where the natural beauty can be seen with added luster: parks, plazas, promenades, coastal rivers ... And if you live, like me, in Mar del Plata, your choice is obvious and understandable: few activities so energizing and relaxing as walking while watching the sea.

And another little bit

While I welcome the enshrinement of organized physical activity is walking I must confess that I am not of his most trusted cultivators. Occasional casual stroll along the coast not enable me to define myself as a walking sports.
However, for many years, I walk an average of three miles a day every day. Of course, dressed in street clothes, as my grandmother and challenging one by one health mandates, but does not walk the streets bucolic scenes of micro and macro center wedge heels (boots or sandals depending on the season), I speak phone, I stop to look over a few windows and kilos of paper into the bag to her shoulder.

I must clarify something: I'm not the answer to any bigotry or position "anti progress" I have nothing against cars. In these times foolishly, choose a means of locomotion a bit more agile than our own two legs is not no extravagance but rather the most sensible answer to the growing demand due time commitments.
My thing with walking pedestrian, as they say today is gave . Nature weaves its threads and somehow opens or closes doors, since I was born suffer from a condition to the view that, behind the wheel, I would become a "constant danger." Or at least that I became convinced over the years and now would be unable to overcome the fear of disaster.
Also when I started working with my husband on the insurance issues were still living in the center and the distances between the various companies we work with were relatively short and ... so it was that happened: five blocks there, twelve here, back over twelve and six on this side. Eureka, girl, you've passed the two miles!

The way of life Walking

and not for the pleasure of walking or reduce cholesterol but to pay taxes, file an application for a new insurance or deposit money in the account policies of the company. Walk to shopping, to carry the baby to the garden or leave blankets in the laundry. Why do those who make up the group of walkers civil .

course, by the way, if you strengthen the lower legs or tummy, big time. However, when I said that work on foot and that any benefits should bring this to the care of my body, the purists of the sport I have looked on the brink of scandal to stop saying so, the heretic, no tights, no shoes and looking glass "is not the same."

And they're right: a civil Walker is not the same as a sports traveler. At the risk of exaggerating I would say that walking through the city on foot (and do on a regular basis, that is) generates a different worldview and civilian travelers are some personality traits that distinguish us from the rest:
- In principle, we must recognize that those who move through life on our legs usually have a certain narrowness of horizons. This is understandable: no one can aspire to be a citizen of the world and seek cross it on foot. More Friends of the next thing foreign, in this urban tribe abound neighborhood and folklorists, the farmers of the neighborhood and the Creole spirit.
- Another issue that tends to characterize the group is a certain scale of values \u200b\u200b ad hoc in which the positive point would be given by the near and the negative point so far. In other words, good, if about twice good. Criterion usually prevail when choosing shopping centers, service providers or recreational space.
- People with some difficulty to mature, civil hikers usually waste time on leisure activities and old fashioned as walking without stepping on the lines between tile and tile, get on the gates, running careers with other pedestrians (which did not even know) or quicken the pace to beat the traffic light.
- Except in extreme cases (the purist wing of the group) the walkers of the city people are flexible and do not chew glass: whenever we can or need to use public transport, bicycles and cars of relatives and friends.
- I wish I could say that in addition, pedestrians are more respectful of traffic rules that motorists but unfortunately not. Argentinos finally horrors cost us look both ways before crossing, crosswalks do so, respect the red lights and wait patiently for our turn. In this regard would important to realize that pedestrians are just the main victims of the chaos caused by our lack of enforcement. According to official statistics, almost half of those killed in traffic accidents are pedestrians.

Finally, with lights and shadows, with baby strollers and shopping carts with trouble or no trouble, walking do, even without knowing it, the most basic exercise of citizenship: that of appropriation of public space. The space is ours and we can hardly know that if value and care.

So the next time you break them the car, go for a walk and try to do things through the streets of the neighborhood or downtown. Hard to meet their daily schedule and is very likely to end up exhausted with fatigue but will have fun like crazy dodging gifts for pets, broken tiles and street stalls.
And maybe even get some pichincha ...

way, sir, WALK!

1. Traffic accidents: 44.5% of those killed are pedestrians . According to official statistics, almost half of people who died last year from traffic accidents in the Capital were pedestrians.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What U Write In A Wedding Card




Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is It Safe To Wax Pubic

" What is truly important?, seek response within me, and I is so hard to find. False ideas
invade my mind, used to mask what you do not understand, dazed in a surreal world of illusions, where the vanity, fear, wealth, violence, hatred, indifference, become beloved heroes, no I am surprised that there is such confusion, such remoteness all, so much disappointment!.
ask me how to be happy, how among so many lies can one live, everyone is who has to answer, but for me here, now and forever mourn
prohibited without learning, wake up one day not knowing what do, be afraid of my memories, feeling only a time.
is forbidden not to smile at problems, not fighting for what I want, leave everything to fear, not to make my dreams come true.
is forbidden not to show my love, do you pay my doubts and my bad mood, invent things that never happened, remember you only when I have you.
is forbidden to leave my friends, do not try to understand what we live, call them only when I need them, not seeing that we are also different.
is forbidden not to be me before the people, pretend to people that I care about, me being funny as long as I remember, forget all those who love me.
is forbidden not to do things for myself, I believe in my God and find my destiny, be afraid of life and their punishments, not to live each day as if it were a ghost.
is prohibited without cheer miss you, hate the moments that made me love you, all because our roads are no longer embraced, to forget our past and pay with our present.
is forbidden not to try to understand people thinking that their lives are worth more than mine, not knowing that everyone has his way and that, feeling that his missing the world ends.
is forbidden not to create my story, stop to thank my family for my life, I have a moment for people who need me, do not understand what life gives us, we also remove it. Alfredo Cuervo Barrero

What Is Satanic Mantra Yahoo

and I forgot THAT WAS OUR ANNIVERSARY, AND THE BIRTHDAY OF MY SUEGRO.Felicidades. 14 years and sumando.Papá David. NEW ETAPA.Heladería-bar

Today is not S. Valentin, nor those bagpipes, is the day of love in this Republic Feliz.
Fourteen years of love and commitment that we will see next month reaffirmed in May, new life.
We have taken many turns in the past 14 years together:

and our penultimate adventure

and what legacy we will leave, to see if we all got to change that.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Best Travestis In San Francisco

Every February 14 battalion lovers worldwide pay homage to the object of their desires with gifts, praise or outputs, to celebrate what for years was known as "Valentine's Day."
But the origin of this festival is as dubious as they can be sometimes matters of the heart.
In the lists of Christian martyrs are at least three saints named Valentine, and there is no certainty about the existence of any of them. Having a day to celebrate love and its players may have a history in ancient Rome and its festivals Lupercalia, in honor of the pagan rituals Luperco Fauno (Lupus means "wolf") that protected the shepherds and is also associated with fertility. So by the end of V century AD Pope Gelasius I summarized the legends that circulated Valentine appropriated the tradition of instituting Lupercalia on February 14 as Valentine's Day. Centuries later, in 1969, was the same church that no longer hold this event because they have no positive data on the saint in question. Either way it
proven fact that people live in love and that love is one of the great motors that move the world. No longer encouraged to devote at least one day a year to celebrate the feeling. Every story
may hold a love story. It can be a great love, a very small and fleeting love a love that could never be. To celebrate, we also love in the day we leave you two simple love stories. MDS


Monday was a rainy and cold. Like every morning, I left my house heading to school, walking alongside my brother. Less than two blocks away, we met another couple of brothers, wife and son, who joined our slow journey to school. The four were moderately friends, I most partner of the boys, with whom he played football on the pitch of the lot next door. Like the morning walk was pleasant and had spent ten blocks as a sigh.
But this morning things would not be as usual. The Green High Street and at that time were flooded with a modest rain, flooded talk about what they could get to be if a storm was raging. Tradition was almost removed the shoes to cross the iron, pants uploaded to the knees. But this morning, again, the rain was rarely kind and allowed us to be dodging puddles with just a little stretch and jump the same. At La Posta, we ran into a huge puddle this time of clay. My brother, always agile, crossed straight face and from the path of the classic neighborhood pharmacy harangued me to jump early to meet him. I was measuring the length of my legs to successfully perform the pirouette when I was high in the air, by a force that stood behind me, like a boyfriend who joins his new wife on the eve of the brand new love nest. My improvised Prince (whom I will not mention because I believe still lives in the area) I woke up in his arms, to make me overcome this obstacle for me seemed impossible. What was he sure did not calculate the weight of an almost nine year old girl developed would be too to the forces of a skinny boy of eleven, and after trying to jump start triumphant I slipped from her arms to a sitting position in the queue through the mud. My white overalls leather seemed a Dalmatian, my pride had been buried under the last drop of pond and my brother threw Cruella Deville type laughter to hear my Savior say frustrated "Hit me, because your sister threw the mud."
This is the first love of my life, the story of a love that was perhaps the parable of the blunders that followed non-stop happening until many years later, it was my true prince, who shares Now my days and my nights, the father of my daughters, as among our top friends enjoy telling stories, laughing, "I to you brought you out of clay." Mariana de los Santos


When I was little I thought my great love living in a wheel with of Cordoba, right there in my neighborhood, very close my house. Even encouraged me to fantasize that our fates would cross the Avenida Núñez a Sunday afternoon, I divine, the beautiful and would live together happily ever after.
The truth is that neither thought of this when one day the end of January, my dad suggested we go on vacation to Mar del Plata, all together, FAMILION, with little money, of course. I was eighteen and never before had passed my vacation so far and so far had seen no more swell than the Suquía river in flood.
The plan-adventure was unanimously accepted and we started to Mar del Plata. We were a large group and complex, one of those families that psychologists today do not hesitate to tick as "dysfunctional." But nice. After the first emotions
, the encounter with the sea and the logical problems of coexistence was possible go into the Mar del Plata area of \u200b\u200bthe night.
was February, it was Sunday (an insignificant detail, just anecdotal because it is already known on vacation every day is Saturday or Sunday) and I moved my anatomy in a dance of the coast. A thousand times, to believe it, and repeated what he had heard that "the love of your life is not going to meet in a bowling alley." Myth One down, there he was, with incredible green eyes, inviting me to dance.
The following days were as extracted from a Disney movie, the kind in which the end the prince kisses the princess. What theme: the first kiss. And I did not want that to be the end but just the opposite.
was not yet fashionable to celebrate the day of love but a romantic light reading as I never could escape me that detail. And, of course, did everything possible to stretch the time for that first kiss came in the middle of San Valentin.
and arrived just as things get good. And at first followed by others, tinged with thousands of words, seeing, touching and part of an amazing summer. So simple was that I fell madly in a foreign prince! Around Cordoba
was not easy because we all know by heart that the distance romances do not work. Second myth demolished: seven years of letters, short short visits, meetings idyllic and millions of pesos invested in telephone bills finally crowned as God commands, I white, it's strict smoking in a church in Cordoba, close to my mother's house, though.

of all this is a long time ... And here we are very happy both with our children enjoying the summer at our house a few blocks from the sea as we prepare to celebrate another anniversary of the first kiss.

(Sometimes, just sometimes, I can not wait as flood Suquía. Especially in times of flood.)


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best Brands For Concealer


The decision is made. After wandering on the labor market return.

In the month of June we returned to our home "Gelato Tere" for those who do not know say they are 22 years in the same place in Vicar, in the "bulebar" on rotoda water, or as all the familiar "drop."

2 years ago that we take sabbaticals of our business, and ordered that as leader has been seen by Trini, and return to the same illusions as always.
Our mission, as we continue to provide breakfast doing for 22 years.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mirar Movies Online Gratis


began in 2009 and as one who does not like things almost ends in January. Clearly it is presented as a year movidito, full of (not so good) predictions. The dominant discourse is the announcement of a more critical crisis I do not know why. But for those born under the sign of the Argentine the issue is not new: the hyperinflation of the energy through the credibility of institutions and (of course) of the field there is no crisis that we have not had the pleasure of meeting .
As stated in the streets, is what you get and it seems that
is only
there. So we have to choose between managing and perpetuate misery in regret or get our act together.
I invite you to tell me how you started the year, what they think about the crisis and what they plan to do in 2009.
This summer has been reflective Merry.

Just over a year our family life changed drastically to move from a central department to a large house in the La Perla, one of the most traditional neighborhoods of Mar del Plata.
It was a simple decision and meant several months of deliberation, weigh reasons for and against. While my life was lived in a large house with garden and galleries in the department a few years, I was the one who brought almost all the objections: hard work, away from the center, insecurity ...
Finally, as often happens, life is imposed in full force and I had to take care of that right there in front of me and without asking permission, we had become a typical family with two children in full swing expansion and 90-meter apartment we had boy.
already know that the first step is assumed to grow larger.

A safe was taken prisoner

The issue of security in Argentina is perhaps one of the topics in which they have invested the most minutes of television, newspaper column inches, magazines, blogs and more pages, plus to be the object of the promises of politicians and candidates for public office and the recurring theme in the queue of banks and supermarkets.
also work in the area of \u200b\u200binsurance and may therefore also feel that this is a pervasive issue.

however has not yet been given a serious debate exhausted the subject without fear of the truth. Perhaps when this happens we can understand that insecurity is a symptom that claim huge gap there where serious failures more difficult for us: to abandon selfishness, eradicate injustice, questioning our own ability to give and respect the other's spaces, enhance the integrity and modesty and profound and urgent need to exercise daily solidarity, beyond the times of disaster.

Just days after completing our first year as residents of the home we had our first setback with insecurity. Thank God it was in the most safe, no bad moments and painful consequences. Just someone who came into middle of the night and only took my phone and computer (laptop) and with it a note to the school year, kids parties and the imminence of this fascinating and demanding they are on holiday. Note that it would be the third installment of the virtual column that I have the pleasure to share with you.

The dawn of a new year

Then came days of parties, meetings, travel, little panic and madness findeañesca and sit to rebuild what was lost was emerging almost impossible. I then took the issue of theft as a message from heaven and chose to wait for better air to re-write.

With the advance of the days the issue was complicated. Open a newspaper or sit in front of the TV meant encountering some of the terrible realities of our human condition: cruelty, war, the big monster stomping the innocence of so many people, the injustice of the rulers, the blows of those who feeling excluded from a system that lets them be happy, believe that only they can fix your pain by attacking the other, the nature and the bill passes after decades of grievances.

In the Middle East, Europe, U.S., in our country, in the city, in the field. The most repeated word in this transition from 2008 to 2009 was not happy but, without hesitation, crisis.
An Overview inobviable difficult but that bedeviled my own little happy family gathered, of all or peleándola juntitos and healthy ones in while you work, happy and cuddly boys, new bike sponsor gift, to sleep with Grandma, pool of afternoons learning to throw bombs and several kilos of dulce de leche ice cream.

took me years to understand that life is such a mix between public and private, which we and our circumstances, as the philosopher said, and that means learning how to transform our environment, starting from our own but without sacrificing the permanent ambition to do much for the happiness of many. That reality often is all that is possible but can never be anything.


This time we had no better or worse than others or perhaps if. The important thing is that it is our time and only in our hands to change it, transform it, make it shine. For us and for all. Because there is no individual salvation.
We are urged to live a fruitful hope, committed to change may even in adverse conditions. Embracing the new year for what it is: a new opportunity.
Convinced it was that I decided to join the proposal that someone sent me and I considered seriously and without excuses to live in 2009 as the most important year of my life. Personally I have plenty reasons.

course I know the difficulties and see that I keep wanting to be intense and completely happy in such an adverse scenario may sound crazy.

As usual nature comes to the rescue and gives me his life lessons. This time the hand of Agapanthus in pots that suit the department with the intention of transplanting but was just there, decorating a small gallery. Insensitive to their needs
light left it indoors, because I thought it looked good. And this year, when the time of flowering, my Agapanthus ran into a fairly hostile severe drought, poor soil and low light. Then bent his staff are looking forward beyond the sun. And flourished, glorious. A sample of that when there is awareness of mission strength to overcome obstacles.

So, dear friends, I feel the need to invite them to make the effort and flourish we also, despite the crisis.

One last comment: Agapanthus flower means love.