Everything leads us to think that motherhood is a serious matter. I myself would be able to fix it if it was not because at times it seems that motherhood is me laughing in the face. To say that mocks, I may sound very shocking.
not want you to misunderstand me. Of all the wonderful gifts with which God has given me in life, my children are the most wonderful.
Being a mother is a blessing and raising my children, a source of fulfillment and personal achievement.
Only sometimes, so wonderful, experience and life overwhelms cotiadiana becomes ... how can I say? Surreal.
not want you to misunderstand me. Of all the wonderful gifts with which God has given me in life, my children are the most wonderful.
Being a mother is a blessing and raising my children, a source of fulfillment and personal achievement.
Only sometimes, so wonderful, experience and life overwhelms cotiadiana becomes ... how can I say? Surreal.
And I do not say I did not pass because they do not think so.
The I am, that you (not) left.
must be said: I used small quite fanciful. And a bit delusional. Today
my days are organized around two pairs of green eyes (definitely some green, others gray tinged with a touch of honey) I look forward to waiting always waiting for more and since its low height of Pygmies force me to spend much of my bent time .
column, thanks.
So I do that in my time as a student looking to shock my choosing journalism professor as a research topic to build a public toilet in the Plaza San Martín (and other equally absurd to the edge of eschatological) today cry to Providence I'm free of all matters relating to pee, poop, snot and other delicacies that make up my daily bread. Is that it's costing us leave horrors los pañales!
Pero esa no es la única contradicción a la que me empujó la maternidad. Mi espíritu ambientalista, acérrimo defensor de la causa ecológica se doblega ante la presencia de piojos, especie a la que sólo puedo desearle la extinción pronta, absoluta y, en lo posible, sangrienta. Lo más terrible es que no me quedo en la intención: llevo años adquiriendo todo champú, loción o brebaje que me prometa la exterminación definitiva de piojos y liendres (y ni siquiera me detiene el hecho de que las liendres… ¡son bebés!)
La maternidad modificó sin piedad mis consumos culturales: de Kieslovsky a Pixar, el viaje leg did not stop. I am not a tireless reader to become a reader tired of reading over and over again the same story (remember, not without fear, one about a duck that wanted to be a dancer). The survivor who led me to investigate in the world of children's literature. So at least I learned to filter out peorcito and slowly I select books that give me lazy read. I must say that over time I found very funny stories and some authors it was worth reading, but then while I was about eight years.
Immersed in my own busy life mother of young children, I also blurred my ability to participate in public affairs. While I juggle schedules to meet the entry and exit of the school, acts, deliveries of newsletters, parent meetings in the garden, birthdays ... only if I look at zoon politikon of Aristotle.
The imminence of the election not only increases my anxiety in this regard and not just the absence of credible candidates. These days a host of pamphlets on how much there is partisan group populates my path and my mailbox. Impregnable face, ladies candidates a few years older than me pose for a photo, well dressed and makeup wisely (some even with signs of recent refreshed). I see so, so serene and smiling and I can not help wondering: do you have kids?, If so, how do? And above all, how are you going to do if elected?
While trying to elucidate these issues by reflecting on the less explored corners of the female quota, back to mine, neatly accommodating ballots never brought them into the ballot box and stacked to make a beautiful notebook draft, ideal to draw my babies.
Thank God, at home, there's a party for a while.
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