The Happy Birthday one year of life. Yes, sir. A year now, but look you, if it seems like yesterday, how children grow, any time you drop with a boyfriend, and so forth. Believe it or not ... my blog, and I as a blogger, one year old. Virtual birthday but ultimately birthday should be celebrated.
"Party or trip? questions the quinceañera undecided. "Celebration or party? I wonder, more prone to philosophical disquisition on the practical thing. Do we eat or not eat? ask my kids and my husband, plate and fork in hand.
But bit, stop the world for a while, that the occasion calls for debate on this and other seemingly minor issues. And I tell you why: because between celebration and the party is a relationship equivalent to the bottom to form. Did not I tell? Pure philosophy.
The conclusion refers to a predisposition "Soulmate," as Macedonio Fernández and the party becomes the expression of that spirit. Everything will be fine as long as both are balanced and if not, well, you know, start some of the eternal conflicts that occur when form and content is disharmony.
Life is a party
In some years now all birthdays are like quinces, fiestas fifteen marriages and marriages seem to emulate the Academy Awards red carpet, live and even numbers master of ceremonies.
True to its purpose, the marketing of fiestononón installed a boundless variety of products and rituals to betray the celebratory spirit, from the confetti to the ceremony of the fifteen candles, passing through the outdoor videos, balloons inflated with helium, glitter, cake with ribbons (in recent decades moved by something even worse: the goblets with ribbons), the revival of the crinoline, photos with effects and the insufferable "Meneaíto."
We Dance?
As noodles without cheese, but love without kisses, and sunless morning ... so are the holidays without dance. Because dancing is one of the most beautiful ways to express love and joy.

My husband, for example, belongs to the lineage of the terrible player. There is no way to do break the waist. Embedded festive atmosphere (and some other things) can get to play with bold moves like joining a train, wrapped around his arm to turn me, or be a fierce support of a tunnel that will pass, hilarious, and his godfather's birthday . At the top of the party may even propose that we go together to learn to dance tango. But invariably, I forget the next day.
The sad thing is that over the years I have been adapting their movements and gradually I see that mine are getting poorer. Would not be a dancing Thalia but defended himself, and now ...
On the sidewalk opposite are the bulky, those who love being the center of the round and do not hesitate to join the dance of the newlyweds for a waltz original trio. His moment of glory is usually given to the rhythm of disco music in the seventies (shirtless to be John Travolta), the lambada and chords of "What will the pony?".
at a party Just the other day I thought, what good would be president of Sadaic and lose slyly and unable to return the file discs with reggaeton published in the country and, just in case, in America. Or better yet, becoming president of the nation to sign the most delicious of decrees prohibiting the circulation, dissemination and propagation of any material known or label, written, edited and / or played by Ricardo Arjona and of course, to enter the country.
On the sidewalk opposite are the bulky, those who love being the center of the round and do not hesitate to join the dance of the newlyweds for a waltz original trio. His moment of glory is usually given to the rhythm of disco music in the seventies (shirtless to be John Travolta), the lambada and chords of "What will the pony?".
at a party Just the other day I thought, what good would be president of Sadaic and lose slyly and unable to return the file discs with reggaeton published in the country and, just in case, in America. Or better yet, becoming president of the nation to sign the most delicious of decrees prohibiting the circulation, dissemination and propagation of any material known or label, written, edited and / or played by Ricardo Arjona and of course, to enter the country.
Finally, costs nothing to dream.
would continue until they are exhausted with this reflection as partying, but with pain in my heart, I leave here; is that I have an urgent appointment with the party planner .
Thank you all for joining me in this first year, I invite you to join the survey. Raise your glasses, chin chin and continue dancing.
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