Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Homemade Hair Straightening Spray


The Happy Birthday one year of life. Yes, sir. A year now, but look you, if it seems like yesterday, how children grow, any time you drop with a boyfriend, and so forth. Believe it or not ... my blog, and I as a blogger, one year old. Virtual birthday but ultimately birthday should be celebrated.

"Party or trip? questions the quinceañera undecided. "Celebration or party? I wonder, more prone to philosophical disquisition on the practical thing. Do we eat or not eat? ask my kids and my husband, plate and fork in hand.

But bit, stop the world for a while, that the occasion calls for debate on this and other seemingly minor issues. And I tell you why: because between celebration and the party is a relationship equivalent to the bottom to form. Did not I tell? Pure philosophy.

The conclusion refers to a predisposition "Soulmate," as Macedonio Fernández and the party becomes the expression of that spirit. Everything will be fine as long as both are balanced and if not, well, you know, start some of the eternal conflicts that occur when form and content is disharmony.

Life is a party

In these times is popular local party and almost everyone wants to throw the house through the window until I hereby confirm on the occasion of the baby's little fish. The healthy and laudable desire to entertain loved ones treated to the best of the crop itself has been replaced by an obsession for the bacchanal, even among the simple minds. And as long as you do not miss fall into the excesses of eating until you drop, drink to unconsciousness and spend every last penny.
In some years now all birthdays are like quinces, fiestas fifteen marriages and marriages seem to emulate the Academy Awards red carpet, live and even numbers master of ceremonies.
True to
its purpose, the marketing of fiestononón installed a boundless variety of products and rituals to betray the celebratory spirit, from the confetti to the ceremony of the fifteen candles, passing through the outdoor videos, balloons inflated with helium, glitter, cake with ribbons (in recent decades moved by something even worse: the goblets with ribbons), the revival of the crinoline, photos with effects and the insufferable "Meneaíto."

We Dance?

As noodles without cheese, but love without kisses, and sunless morning ... so are the holidays without dance. Because dancing is one of the most beautiful ways to express love and joy.

And although it does not take Julio Bocca to enjoy a night of rhythm, there are those who move their bodies with a certain respect for the laws of dynamics and the others beings who may lack some connection between the ear and the muscles.

My husband, for example, belongs to the lineage of the terrible player. There is no way to do break the waist. Embedded festive atmosphere (and some other things) can get to play with bold moves like joining a train, wrapped around his arm to turn me, or be a fierce support of a tunnel that will pass, hilarious, and his godfather's birthday . At the top of the party may even propose that we go together to learn to dance tango. But invariably, I forget the next day.
The sad thing is that over the years I have been adapting their movements and gradually I see that mine are getting poorer. Would not be a dancing Thalia but defended himself, and now ...
On the sidewalk opposite are the bulky, those who love being the center of the round and do not hesitate to join the dance of the newlyweds for a waltz original trio. His moment of glory is usually given to the rhythm of disco music in the seventies (shirtless to be John Travolta), the lambada and chords of "What will the pony?".
at a party Just the other day I thought, what good would be president of Sadaic and lose slyly and unable to return the file discs with reggaeton published in the country and, just in case, in America. Or better yet, becoming president of the nation to sign the most delicious of decrees prohibiting the circulation, dissemination and propagation of any material known or label, written, edited and / or played by Ricardo Arjona and of course, to enter the country.
Finally, costs nothing to dream.

would continue until they are exhausted with this reflection as partying, but with pain in my heart, I leave here; is that I have an urgent appointment with the party planner .
Thank you all for joining me in this first year, I invite you to join the survey. Raise your glasses, chin chin and continue dancing.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does Diane 35 Cause Breast

Up the Sun, life here, a song
and a little satisfaction
Miguel Mateos

The Sun is there, but not see it. A silent star of more than five billion years, as a great cosmic computer gives its magnetism and controls the orbits of nine planets and thousands of celestial bodies.
The Sun is involved in the glaciers, regulates the Earth's atmospheric pressure, which in turn determines the weather and even earthquakes. Is a nuclear fusion in which hydrogen is converted into helium. Its temperature is higher than that of an atomic bomb: about 6000 degrees at the surface and 15 million in the nucleus.
And all that would be impossible to live without him.

will see the light

Just over a month ago my husband heard on the radio the invitation to a talk on the healing powers of the sun, was done in the halls of a major library Mar del Plata. What reasons prompted him to stop by the library and book two tickets is a mystery yet to elucidate them. But off we went.
The room was full. In front, the speaker, a man in his seventies and his translator. I learned to see that the man was Indian, tanned skin, intelligent eyes, serene smile and a very British English not that I fell sympathetic input.
I must confess that at first I had my qualms and fears of having fallen into a den in the new age that would like to offer us a way to escape the carnage announced by the Maya to 2012 (all for sale in convenient vials, payable with Visa .)

However, the discourse of Hira Ratan Manek (actually born in Bodhavad, India, in 1937) exudes common sense and simplicity proposal is overwhelming: the cure to the ills of postmodern man, he says, goes through put your eyes on high. Literally and figuratively speaking.

Sun gazing, Hira Ratan Manek that practice, recommends, and disseminates can be explained in very few lines, is to look at the sun in a certain time (up to one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset), the first day ten seconds, twenty seconds to the next, thirty-third and so on. It is a practice that has to be carried throughout life. Only performed for a maximum period of 270 days (up to a limit of 45 minutes), consecutive or not.

Just as the sun-eating plants and minerals from the process of photosynthesis, Manek says that through Sun Gazing men we can load the most powerful energies of nature getting "perfect health for mind, body and spirit."

potential benefits are not negligible, "is experiencing an increase in memory and intelligence. The aging process is slowed, decreased appetite and fatigue, it speeds up the metabolism and the body is predisposed to meditation and prayer. "
"After the first three months, people will notice changes in their mental health at six months showed physical improvements" Manek says and adds, "at that point all the cells the body begins to store energy from the sun are converted into solar cells, are like a solar panel. " Finally, after nine months, would also spiritual health.

Over Hira Ratan Manek's talk highlighted three aspects, in my view, essential: first the Sun Gazing is not a religious rite but a therapy suitable for people of all faiths and, even to unbelievers. Second, he presents himself as a guru who to follow, but simply as one who spread the art. And thirdly: the practice of sun gazing is absolutely free and requires no books pyramids, incense, CDs or essential oils.

Exit the Sun

For centuries mankind has professed his admiration for the sun king, generous source of light and heat, two key elements life of all ages.
There were many cultures saw the sun the ultimate expression of the deity: Egyptians, Mayans, Incas. The Greeks worshiped through the figure of Apollo. The sun salutation yoga practiced in India is an ancient custom which originally was performed at dawn, ie the same schedule of "safe sun" proposed for Manek Sun Gazing . And Jesus himself defined himself by saying "I am the Light of the world."
Already in the twentieth century and for decades, doctors sunbathing prescribed as a therapy for many diseases. You have been in recent years from the hole in the ozone layer and the threat of skin cancer, which we have become very apprehensive about the Sun, however, few scientists suspect they might have to revise some questions about the beneficial effects of sunlight and the danger of abusive detention . (1)
Hira Ratan Manek takes time spreading technique and thousands of people around the world and practicing Sun Gazing and say they have improved their quality of life. Many of them ignore their warnings and beyond: living the Sun Gazing as a cult and worship the Hindu as a religious leader. But this is an issue, I suspect, has to do with spiritual orphan syndrome, so common today.

Without exaggerating, I think it may be valid to take some aspects of this proposal. It is not seen in the sun to be worthy of worship but perhaps re-look at what it really is: a fundamental part of a wonderful creation that God has placed at our disposal that we serve it. In this sense I think it's worth the effort to harmonize with nature as a way of cultivating life.

And with the summer knocking on the door, why not try? At least in honor of what the grandmothers said: "Where comes the sun, not the doctor will come."

For more information on the technique of Sun Gazing

(1) The most cited HMR is English Richard Hobday, engineering doctor who lectures on the subject at universities and scientific forums in Europe in which warns about posibiliddes to benefit from sunlight. Hobday is the author of The Healing Sun (sun curing: sunlight and health in the XXI century).