The figure of the traveler is often associated with which
search, which explores, which runs. Wayfarer made by walking as Machado says and sings
Serrat. Associate walk forward, and somehow
to grow, develop, move ... Walk as the option to exit the
quiet and cheat death.
But in its most pedestrian sense - let me
the pun - walking is no more or less to move. Originally
walking was the only way that primitive man had to
access to food, escape danger, close to watercourses. In
our sedentary twenty-first century most people do all this in
car, plane, bus, motorcycle or by calling a delivery.
Walking, however, has risen to the level of sport.

course, marketing through, the fitness industry were quick to develop a host of "accessories" that apparently make one into a walking sport truth. They are generally beautiful and useful things that bring comfort to the practice of this activity as weighted by their benefits to the body and mind. The problem arises with accessories when combined in abundance, can touch the edge of the grotesque. You know what I mean: super-soled shoes with air chamber, more fillings, more socks, dry fit more remerita more bag "waist" of one brand, more headband, plus hat and / or face shield, all together, more the water bottle in his hand. Walk light, reads the slogan. Beyond
my reviews the uniform, the fact is that the sport is a group walking on the rise. The good news, which tells us that in our cities more and more people choose to stay healthy and get back in touch with nature. Because, of course, sports travelers do not travel through the city just like that, without rhyme or reason. Circuits are well defined, often near areas of the city where the natural beauty can be seen with added luster: parks, plazas, promenades, coastal rivers ... And if you live, like me, in Mar del Plata, your choice is obvious and understandable: few activities so energizing and relaxing as walking while watching the sea.
And another little bit

However, for many years, I walk an average of three miles a day every day. Of course, dressed in street clothes, as my grandmother and challenging one by one health mandates, but does not walk the streets bucolic scenes of micro and macro center wedge heels (boots or sandals depending on the season), I speak phone, I stop to look over a few windows and kilos of paper into the bag to her shoulder.
I must clarify something: I'm not the answer to any bigotry or position "anti progress" I have nothing against cars. In these times foolishly, choose a means of locomotion a bit more agile than our own two legs is not no extravagance but rather the most sensible answer to the growing demand due time commitments.
My thing with walking pedestrian, as they say today is gave . Nature weaves its threads and somehow opens or closes doors, since I was born suffer from a condition to the view that, behind the wheel, I would become a "constant danger." Or at least that I became convinced over the years and now would be unable to overcome the fear of disaster.
Also when I started working with my husband on the insurance issues were still living in the center and the distances between the various companies we work with were relatively short and ... so it was that happened: five blocks there, twelve here, back over twelve and six on this side. Eureka, girl, you've passed the two miles!
The way of life Walking
and not for the pleasure of walking or reduce cholesterol but to pay taxes, file an application for a new insurance or deposit money in the account policies of the company. Walk to shopping, to carry the baby to the garden or leave blankets in the laundry. Why do those who make up the group of walkers civil .

course, by the way, if you strengthen the lower legs or tummy, big time. However, when I said that work on foot and that any benefits should bring this to the care of my body, the purists of the sport I have looked on the brink of scandal to stop saying so, the heretic, no tights, no shoes and looking glass "is not the same."
And they're right: a civil Walker is not the same as a sports traveler. At the risk of exaggerating I would say that walking through the city on foot (and do on a regular basis, that is) generates a different worldview and civilian travelers are some personality traits that distinguish us from the rest:
- In principle, we must recognize that those who move through life on our legs usually have a certain narrowness of horizons. This is understandable: no one can aspire to be a citizen of the world and seek cross it on foot. More Friends of the next thing foreign, in this urban tribe abound neighborhood and folklorists, the farmers of the neighborhood and the Creole spirit.
- Another issue that tends to characterize the group is a certain scale of values \u200b\u200b ad hoc in which the positive point would be given by the near and the negative point so far. In other words, good, if about twice good. Criterion usually prevail when choosing shopping centers, service providers or recreational space.
- People with some difficulty to mature, civil hikers usually waste time on leisure activities and old fashioned as walking without stepping on the lines between tile and tile, get on the gates, running careers with other pedestrians (which did not even know) or quicken the pace to beat the traffic light.
- Except in extreme cases (the purist wing of the group) the walkers of the city people are flexible and do not chew glass: whenever we can or need to use public transport, bicycles and cars of relatives and friends.
- I wish I could say that in addition, pedestrians are more respectful of traffic rules that motorists but unfortunately not. Argentinos finally horrors cost us look both ways before crossing, crosswalks do so, respect the red lights and wait patiently for our turn. In this regard would important to realize that pedestrians are just the main victims of the chaos caused by our lack of enforcement. According to official statistics, almost half of those killed in traffic accidents are pedestrians. [1]
Finally, with lights and shadows, with baby strollers and shopping carts with trouble or no trouble, walking do, even without knowing it, the most basic exercise of citizenship: that of appropriation of public space. The space is ours and we can hardly know that if value and care.
So the next time you break them the car, go for a walk and try to do things through the streets of the neighborhood or downtown. Hard to meet their daily schedule and is very likely to end up exhausted with fatigue but will have fun like crazy dodging gifts for pets, broken tiles and street stalls.
And maybe even get some pichincha ...
way, sir, WALK!
1. Traffic accidents: 44.5% of those killed are pedestrians . According to official statistics, almost half of people who died last year from traffic accidents in the Capital were pedestrians.
1. Traffic accidents: 44.5% of those killed are pedestrians . According to official statistics, almost half of people who died last year from traffic accidents in the Capital were pedestrians.