began in 2009 and as one who does not like things almost ends in January. Clearly it is presented as a year movidito, full of (not so good) predictions. The dominant discourse is the announcement of a more critical crisis I do not know why. But for those born under the sign of the Argentine the issue is not new: the hyperinflation of the energy through the credibility of institutions and (of course) of the field there is no crisis that we have not had the pleasure of meeting .
As stated in the streets, is what you get and it seems that is only there. So we have to choose between managing and perpetuate misery in regret or get our act together.
I invite you to tell me how you started the year, what they think about the crisis and what they plan to do in 2009.
This summer has been reflective Merry.

It was a simple decision and meant several months of deliberation, weigh reasons for and against. While my life was lived in a large house with garden and galleries in the department a few years, I was the one who brought almost all the objections: hard work, away from the center, insecurity ...
Finally, as often happens, life is imposed in full force and I had to take care of that right there in front of me and without asking permission, we had become a typical family with two children in full swing expansion and 90-meter apartment we had boy.
already know that the first step is assumed to grow larger.
A safe was taken prisoner

also work in the area of \u200b\u200binsurance and may therefore also feel that this is a pervasive issue.
however has not yet been given a serious debate exhausted the subject without fear of the truth. Perhaps when this happens we can understand that insecurity is a symptom that claim huge gap there where serious failures more difficult for us: to abandon selfishness, eradicate injustice, questioning our own ability to give and respect the other's spaces, enhance the integrity and modesty and profound and urgent need to exercise daily solidarity, beyond the times of disaster.
Just days after completing our first year as residents of the home we had our first setback with insecurity. Thank God it was in the most safe, no bad moments and painful consequences. Just someone who came into middle of the night and only took my phone and computer (laptop) and with it a note to the school year, kids parties and the imminence of this fascinating and demanding they are on holiday. Note that it would be the third installment of the virtual column that I have the pleasure to share with you.
The dawn of a new year
Then came days of parties, meetings, travel, little panic and madness findeañesca and sit to rebuild what was lost was emerging almost impossible. I then took the issue of theft as a message from heaven and chose to wait for better air to re-write.
Just days after completing our first year as residents of the home we had our first setback with insecurity. Thank God it was in the most safe, no bad moments and painful consequences. Just someone who came into middle of the night and only took my phone and computer (laptop) and with it a note to the school year, kids parties and the imminence of this fascinating and demanding they are on holiday. Note that it would be the third installment of the virtual column that I have the pleasure to share with you.
The dawn of a new year

With the advance of the days the issue was complicated. Open a newspaper or sit in front of the TV meant encountering some of the terrible realities of our human condition: cruelty, war, the big monster stomping the innocence of so many people, the injustice of the rulers, the blows of those who feeling excluded from a system that lets them be happy, believe that only they can fix your pain by attacking the other, the nature and the bill passes after decades of grievances.
In the Middle East, Europe, U.S., in our country, in the city, in the field. The most repeated word in this transition from 2008 to 2009 was not happy but, without hesitation, crisis.
An Overview inobviable difficult but that bedeviled my own little happy family gathered, of all or peleándola juntitos and healthy ones in while you work, happy and cuddly boys, new bike sponsor gift, to sleep with Grandma, pool of afternoons learning to throw bombs and several kilos of dulce de leche ice cream.
took me years to understand that life is such a mix between public and private, which we and our circumstances, as the philosopher said, and that means learning how to transform our environment, starting from our own but without sacrificing the permanent ambition to do much for the happiness of many. That reality often is all that is possible but can never be anything.
This time we had no better or worse than others or perhaps if. The important thing is that it is our time and only in our hands to change it, transform it, make it shine. For us and for all. Because there is no individual salvation.
We are urged to live a fruitful hope, committed to change may even in adverse conditions. Embracing the new year for what it is: a new opportunity.
Convinced it was that I decided to join the proposal that someone sent me and I considered seriously and without excuses to live in 2009 as the most important year of my life. Personally I have plenty reasons.
course I know the difficulties and see that I keep wanting to be intense and completely happy in such an adverse scenario may sound crazy.

light left it indoors, because I thought it looked good. And this year, when the time of flowering, my Agapanthus ran into a fairly hostile severe drought, poor soil and low light. Then bent his staff are looking forward beyond the sun. And flourished, glorious. A sample of that when there is awareness of mission strength to overcome obstacles.
So, dear friends, I feel the need to invite them to make the effort and flourish we also, despite the crisis.
One last comment: Agapanthus flower means love.