What is Love
Love is considered as a set of behaviors and attitudes, unconditional and selfless, that manifest between people can develop emotional intelligence . Love is not only confined to mankind but to all those beings who may develop emotional ties with others, for example, dolphins, dogs, horses, etc.
the term is usually associated with romantic love , a passionate relationship between two people with significant influence on their sexual relationships and mutual. However, the term also applies to other different relationships, such as platonic love or family love, and also in a broader sense we speak of love towards God, nature, humanity as a whole, and others. In most cases means a great affection for something that causes pleasure or happiness to who performs the act of love.
Currently there is another school of thought about what love is. according to studies by American scientists, neurologists and "love is not registered as a feeling as it does hatred or joy if not a necessity, that is presented very similar in the brain as it does hunger, then returning to the old definition of love is a human need as any other, even more important.
Fight for your freedom

Slavery is the situation in which an individual is under the control of another, losing the ability to dispose freely of himself.
The phenomenon of slavery dates back to ancient civilizations. Historically it has been shown that its rationale lies in strengthening and sustaining economic activity, as usually the slaves were employed as laborers.
Sure is an example of the colonization of America, or the practices of the Roman Empire as well as the policy approaches of Ancient Greece where the same Aristotle argues that slavery is a natural phenomenon. Mintz and Elkins believe there is a reciprocal relationship between capitalism and slavery, they show that under various dynamics of capitalism, the repressive nature of work activities also varies. Other researchers such as Lester Thurow argues that while democracy is incompatible with slavery, capitalism is not, so that slavery often reappear in the same proportion as advanced forms authoritarian government.
"Nobody is more slave than that is free is not."
"Nobody is more slave than that is free is not."
That is the time

Time is the physical quantity that measures the duration or separation of events subject to change, systems under observation, ie the period between the state of the system when it appeared a state X and the moment that X records a perceptible change for observer (or measuring apparatus). Is the magnitude that you can sort the events in sequence, establishing a past, a present and future, and gives rise to principle of causality, one of the axioms of the scientific method.
The basic unit in the International System is the second .
"The time is not just is."